Connexion is a NPI and Political Risk platform that will manage all Texel deals in a safe and efficient manner.
You can access the platform here.
Only if you want to. Connexion will offer a fully secure and digitized way of managing deals avoiding the risks of sharing documents by e-mail or on physical form. If you prefer to not use the platform and continue to operate on the current process we’ll be able to support you as always.
All insurers will receive e-mails with links to review deal specific information. They will not be required to directly access the tool or to install anything on their computers, so there are no material changes to them.
No, risk analysis and pricing remains at underwriters discretion but, Connexion is being built to enable API integrations with insurers applications to obtain faster results in the future.
Yes, with no size limitation, automatically checked for virus and malware and fully encrypted.
All documents are stored in an encrypted (AES256) AWS-S3 storage solution with constant access management reviews. AWS have a data durability of 99.99999999999% by creating automatic copies of files in transit and at rest.
Only your team and those Texel brokers assigned to you have access to any deal documentation (generated by the application and/or attached by one of the parties). Temporary access can be granted to insurers in the process of generating a non binding indication or during the negotiation process.
No, but we do expect a decrease in its numbers due to two factors. Firstly, attaching documents in the platform is significantly more secure than sending by e-mail and secondly, Connexion will generate insurance documents in an automated fashion, speeding-up document review and approval.
Yes, in Connexion you will able to see all details of your portfolio (Countries of Risk, Obligors, Transaction types, Exposures, Premium, etc.).
Yes, access control is actively monitored, firewall rules are constantly being reviewed and improved, and environments are monitored both by AWS security protocols and our own dedicated support team
Connexion is hosted in AWS (Amazon Web Services) cloud environment in Ireland and England. We will also have instances in USA and Singapore for increased performance and compliance with local data protection regulations.
AWS (Amazon Web Services) is a world leader in Cloud computing and offers a large range of services in multiple countries and availability zones. AWS SLAs and historical availability surpasses the 99.9% marks.
A combination of teams keep Connexion running at full potential, our internal team ensures that the data and overall architecture is solid, AWS ensures that environments are running as per our specifications and Fitinsur has developed the source code and maintains it.
Every single action done in the platform is time stamped and subject to audit. This includes attaching a document, editing or deleting it. This also applied for data, every change is tracked and can be provided to you upon request.
There are two types of monitoring to consider, performance and security. On the first, our support team uses AWS Cloud watch to review overall application performance and latency to ensure the best user experience to our clients regardless on where they are based. For the later, we use AWS Advanced shield as our primary layer of defence monitoring, protecting Connexion against DDoS and having near real time visibility on attacks. Finally, we have an additional layer of monitoring with security engineers reviewing any threat and potential vulnerabilities, if any.
No, all you need to use the platform is web browser.
The recent COVID pandemic has led to most insurance policies being executed with electronic stamps or via market approved platforms such as PPL. Connexion uses DocuSign© as the tool to execute the insurance policy with Insurers and we would believe that your company should be comfortable with this software. Please find more details here
Our brokers will be trained to support most day to day questions around the platform and will be able to support you. In case the problem is a technical or technology one, brokers will refer to our support team that will gladly assist you.